Monday, January 21, 2013

Our Power As People

We are what we want to be... blah blah blah
Everyone mentions that when trying give advice. Mine is different, I believe in "ourselves" being able to take it to a higher level and to a level much more than we think we can. I listen to radio sometimes; just to try and understand people's views on some things. It is interesting sitting somewhere and listen to blah blah blah... I have decided to wake up! I have decided to "take matter in my own hands" as the saying goes. I think as single individuals we can achieve something, but as several individuals we can achieve greater!! Otherwise, unless you are a big shot somewhere, you may not single-handedly get very far. The principle is very simple; combine resources, have a bigger value of capital, market and bargaining power. Starting small and expanding out is essential; involving members as much as possible to develop what is theirs.

This is exactly what banks do, only that they use our resources at free will and we keep letting them do so! This should stop; If only 100 people can come up and believe in achieving one goal (bettering themselves), then nothing will stop them. Each person raising $1000 for example is enough to establish something for which they can be their own market (consumers) and owners. They could come up with an idea that they can all support; and of course not forgetting the diversity of ideas each of them has.....( to be continued)

And again, blah blah blah .....

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