Saturday, November 16, 2013

Our endeavours today for tomorrow's hope in the face of injustices

Recently, a close friend of mine told me how they spent almost the entire night crying because of the injustices being done to their friends and country men at large. They seemed truly bothered by what is happening around the world in general; they even started hating themselves for whatever injustices are happening. Well, they are right to feel that way, to feel that they should not have been born in this generation. We happen to live during times when almost nobody cares about the sufferings taking place around the world. This is primarily because the people who would care are not directly affected and in fact could be benefiting from the manifestation of all this. The richer getting richer at the expense of the poor! For clarity of argument’s sake, am not against anyone getting rich or amassing wealth; as long as they don’t do it at the expense of the poor! As long as they don’t underpay or torment or even murder those who are helping them to get richer in the hope of them too earning a living. All I feel is utmost sympathy for all those affected by such acts of individuals, systems, organizations, or even governments.
Already, man is suffering enough at the expense of natural calamities, the likes of typhoons, earthquakes, landslides and the related unforeseen incidences. What does it benefit someone to cheat at the expense of others? We are all familiar with corruption and embezzlement in several parts of the world and how they have affected the progress of societies. This is especially true in the developing world, further widening the gap between the rich and the poor at the expense of the poor. The deaths resulting from such acts are not different from someone directly murdering you. I would comfortably say that individuals involved in such acts are murderers!!
On the other hand, the greater hand of the government, the people supposed to protect us from all that are just looking away. Why? It is either because they are involved themselves or are supporters of such acts. In this case, everyone is left by themselves. Am certain that the average person around the world feels that some acts somewhere are not fair and they can’t speak out or do anything for fear of what could happen.
The trouble is that, even those of us who are not directly affected by such injustices feel responsible for the continued occurrence of such acts. We feel we should be at the center stage of all struggles to combat such inhuman and insane propagation of egocentric ideas. And guess what? We constitute the bigger number of all; we can voice our concerns and see results! If we choose to equally keep quiet we are not going to be different from the embezzlers, the corrupt, or those propagating such deeds. The world is now a global village and we are all interconnected somehow, we can therefore mobilize against the perpetrators of all this. Even when we can’t do anything at all, let’s subconsciously hope for the best at least. I choose to write about it and let everybody know that it is actually taking place in several parts of the world. And yes, you may not be directly affected today, but you may be tomorrow if we choose to do nothing about it. It doesn’t matter which injustice it is, every injustice is an injustice and we cannot oversee the magnitude of any. By firstly eliminating the smaller ones, we shall be able to get rid of them all.
I also applaud all individuals and organizations that are struggling to eliminate such injustices and are at the forefront of lending a hand at the face of all calamities without any kind of discrimination.

I voice my concerns on behalf of all those affected by the current “man-made” sufferings and also those suffering at the face of natural disasters. 

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