Saturday, January 3, 2015

How to Make 50% Progress in One Step

… but who cares anyway, my task is simply to share with you what I felt; and I too don’t care what you think or say. If I did care for a second, I wouldn’t be writing this here at all (actually there is some percentage of care in “I don’t care”). I would be discouraged straight away. That is something that has happened to me on several occasions in the last couple of years; I only cared about how you felt, what you always thought of me and similar. And what has it earned me? It has only kept me in my closet. And I have taken on only a face that is appealing to you, and not cared for what I truly felt inside. Every time I attempted to reveal my true self, I was either told that it wasn’t good enough or that I had to do more. I ended up doing what I truly wanted when no one is seeing – within my closed doors! That’s how much you affected me – yes you the people around me, my society! 

It is now a New Year, and a friend of mine opened up to me last week and showed me what I have been missing for years – to live my life in the open, and in whichever way I love to. And guess what, I won’t care no more what you think about me. It won’t matter at all. There are things I have always wanted to do, but had silenced them because I was afraid of what could happen if I dared. Now I know it is now or never! So I have decided that I shall do as I please, especially for issues that concern my personal progress and growth; probably along the way I shall meet those with similar direction and we shall move along together. For now I part ways with my old cowardly self. It’s now time for me to start that business I have always thought about but was worried of what people would think. Now is the time for me to approach my boss with that new proposal that is still hidden in my bottom drawer. I now have the potential to start that daily routine of taking over my life’s choices and activities. And guess what; remember that lady/gentleman I have always been afraid to tell how I feel? I am going to do that straight from here. It is now or never! That chapter one I started two years ago needs to be extended beyond the first paragraph. All because, it is now or never! And don’t get me wrong, am not doing it blindly; I have a plan (see how to). Already knowing what I want to do is 50% of the work. I have already set up a meeting with my physician to see how best I can train my body at the gym without harming myself. I want to lose a few kilograms, not because that is what society wants, but because it may better my health. I have also consulted with an architect to figure out which house plan is fit for my financial capacity and which one suits my needs. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t intend to start and finish it all at once. I have looked ahead and planned my full year; I intend to take it bit by bit. I now know when is best to ask my employer for that “paid vacation” so that I can do significant work on my projects. And about going beyond the first paragraph of my story, I have decided that I shall write at least one page every day(see how to start), and who knows what will happen within a month? And yes, I haven’t forgotten and I know am not getting any younger and am in my most productive years. So it is time I started planning for my old age too. In this regard, I have decided that I shall start saving. YES SAVING, you read it right!! I shall do it in a way that doesn’t compromise my current wellbeing. Am thinking of long term investments, and have already set up an appointment with a financial advisor. I guess I shall look up the advice of a nutritionist too, and ensure good dietary requirements of my body. And for that lady/gentleman I wanted to ask out, I guess I shall slow down a bit and decide later when it is best to approach her/him. I shall also be waiting on the not so urgent decisions that am about to make. I realized that in the past I was quick to make decisions that I later regretted. For example I shouldn’t have decided to open up that new bank account just because of a flyer and the sweet talking of the bank`s salesperson. Probably I shall close it and keep only one account that I can maintain. I also plan to leave my current four bed roomed house and go for a cheaper two roomed house. I intend to contribute the difference in rent to other investment options. And oh yeah, that monthly clothing buy will now be limited to only once a year. From now I choose financial awareness. It is now or never, and there is no going back! And now we get on to the hard one; how do I tell my friends that am going to limit my weekly overnight outings to only one every fortnight? But either way, I have got to tell them. And if they are surely my friends, they shall understand; probably now or in the future. And finally, remember that short course I wanted to take to upgrade in my field, how about I check its schedule and see how I could possibly enroll. It shouldn’t be hard now that I have cut my expenditure. Will it?

As you read this, probably you fit in somewhere in the above and feel like one of them is the kind of action you feel like taking. The power in moving forward lies in initially realizing that no one is going to do anything for you if you don’t; and also in the fact that once you decide to move forward, you are already 50% there. Truth is, it all isn’t going to happen in a single day; some of it will take years to realize, but with constant effort I guarantee that you shall be there. Making a good plan and sticking to it will work miracles; and so will your belief in your plans. And if you believe in a higher power, you may have to assert your belief more, and ask spiritual guidance for your goals too. Forget the pressure of society; it shall always be there whether you are at the top or the bottom. However you have to harness the pressure and expectations of society as stepping stone on your way to achieving your goal.

I rest my case knowing that all that happens next is your choice. And now that you know, what are you going to do about it?

See this to help you along your way to turning things over. All the best.

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