
When we talk about resilience beyond, we don’t mean going beyond our capabilities, but rather capitalizing on our abilities to expand our capacity. Being resilient is necessary for us to push against any obstacles, challenges or whatever adversity that comes our way. To achieve this, we must push against our daily limitations. We must face our fears and get rid of them. Fears and weaknesses are what make us liable to failure in the advent of challenging moments. Conquering these two will see us towering higher than we ever imagined; and this is what we call RESILIENCE BEYOND! We are after enabling everyone overcome their challenges and in doing so they conquer their fears. It goes beyond telling individuals that they can do it, but actually go ahead to show them how to do it. It is easy to say it will be okay when things are moving well. It is easy to comfort the sick when you are healthy. It is easier once you are on the other side of the bridge. But how hard is it really to be on the same side that needs comfort, on the side that needs all hope, and give yourself the necessary motivation. We all have our down moments, moments when we feel like we cannot make any step forward. Moments that make us feel we are on the wrong path. And at these moments when we feel that all hope is lost, no more focus; when all our past achievements seem useless and the efforts invested thus far feel a waste of time, such moments are when we need one another most. Resilience beyond is dedicated to helping everyone during such moments. It is at such moments that we need one another to remind us of who we really are, and what really matters. Today it`s me and tomorrow it is going to be you or someone you directly know. It is true, we cannot solve all the problems of the world, we cannot comfort all the sick and suffering. But if we can help one individual, if we can give hope to one person, then we mean the world to that single person. By sharing our experiences, our motivation, and hope, we can spread our kindness around, and help create a better world for all of us.

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