Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What the Tokyo 2020 Olympics mean to Japan

 At exactly 50 years after Japan hosted their first Summer Olympics games in 1964, Tokyo 2020 is yet another shining light to brighten the seemingly “gloomy” Japan. It is something that will help to erase the memories of 2011 great east Japan earthquake and the still looming Fukushima nuclear accident whose solution is still questionable but under control.

The more than a decade long economic downturn that has witnessed struggles to get on its knees under Shinzo Abe’s regime of Abenomics will probably make the necessary strides to plough it into greater loci at the end of the first quarter of the 21st Century. Indeed, there is greater reason to celebrate as was the case in 1959 when Tokyo was announced to host not only its first Olympics but also the first one on Asian soil.
As a directly beneficiary of the Japanese government assistance, I take great pleasure in applauding the country’s efforts in realizing this dream. I believe the Tokyo 2020 Olympics will be a great opportunity to awaken the social and economic muscle of this great nation; a nation that is spearheading most of the advanced technological research areas that are directly beneficial to the entire humanity.
By the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Japan should be able to rise above the constant fears of the world and rather embrace the globalization endeavours of the world at large. This is yet another opportunity for Japan to show to the whole world that they are a resilient people with a rich cultural heritage to broadcast to the world. And as the world stood by Japan’s side to show oneness during the 2011 destruction by Mother Nature, the whole international body will still stand by them to celebrate yet another achievement that showcases Japan as a resilient society.
To the Japanese people - おめでとうございます!!!

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