Thursday, December 18, 2014

The World Owes me NOTHING

It's not yours or mine, but ours
The world owes me nothing. I have come to realize that in fact I owe the world a lot of things. This realization has come after finding out that am responsible for so much of what’s happening in the world. As I have grown up, I have been surrounded by selfishness of the highest order in all our societies. It is all a paradox of so many having and so many not having. In school I remember being taught how to divide five oranges among five kids and the answer always ended up with an equal share for each. In the real world, this is totally different; the person who has to do this division chooses to distribute zero oranges among the five kids, and opts to keep all the oranges to him/herself. Let`s go back for a second and ponder on this situation of five oranges to be divided among five kids. Logically, each child taking one orange is the perfect and harmonious way of solving this puzzle. Come on everyone, it’s not that complicated. But alas! We have millions of people converging meetings all over the world to solve this simple problem. Putting the oranges aside, on the assumption that mathematics is so complicated… how about facing the reality? Seven billion people on earth… with the technology to go to Mars, and to the moon and back, and we cannot end malaria, we cannot end famine, we cannot provide safe drinking water to those who need it – at least they are not at mars yet… something surely is wrong with this world; and we continue to perpetuate wars where we spend billions of dollars to kill one another as if malaria is not already killing enough of us; as if ALS is not killing several of us? And I sit back in my chair with my hand on my chin and wonder what world leaders are doing; and by world leaders I don’t mean Obama or Putin or whichever individual is in charge of those big positions. By leaders I mean you, you who is reading this right now, you who has the potential to do something, but choosing to keep a closed ear because it is not yet in your compound. Just because you have safe drinking water doesn’t protect you from the magnitude of similar challenges the world is currently engulfed in. Just because you stay thousands of kilometers away from Syria, Gaza, Somalia, Ukraine, DRC, Sudan, doesn’t make you safe if you continue to do nothing when injustices are being perpetuated by fellow beings… the world is watching as one group of people butchers the other; and soon it will be knocking at your door… and hope the person you helped will run to your rescue. I DO NOT support any act that involves taking another person’s life irrespective of the circumstances. There is opportunity to change and we better exhaust that before adopting other stringent measures other than taking someone’s life. I feel sad being part of the world where all this is taking place and not being able to make my opinion extend to everyone. But I also feel happy that probably this may initiate awareness among humanity, among us all to rise above our selfishness, our differences and only take pride in being human. Being human is the simplest we can do, especially in this world where we don’t live forever. As much as I acknowledge the mess taking place in the world, I also believe there are already individuals trying to make the world a better place than they found it. All the injustices are a result of someone’s actions. The future is not a good one… it will not be global warming challenging the survival of humanity, but rather the actions that man has chosen to take in the recent centuries- actions that largely call for “all man for himself” at the expense of everyone. The jungle law being among humans doesn’t sound like a challenge… since we are more dependent on one another and we need each other for survival. The rich need the poor and the poor need the rich. The rich need the poor so as to become richer and the poor need the rich in order to become richer. We cannot all be rich, and we shouldn’t all be poor; but we can attain a certain level of quality of life by being at similar levels, at least with the basics of life. I cannot over emphasize how things need to be done in order to change the system… but I predict that in future, chaos will be created, and the result of chaos is always order; the order that will result will be necessary to create the next trend in the next centuries. For now, let them suffer, let them be poor, continue bombing them, but soon, enough will be enough, when the militaries can no longer afford to shield the perpetuators of such injustices, then the guns will change directions. And don’t get me wrong, I know there are many hardworking individuals who deserve every bit of their efforts, and am happy with them…!! But there are also those who benefit at the expense of the poor, and they know it, and they continue to do so… Your time will expire soon and you will have no one to run to in the advent of these times. For now enjoy your empires, see them grow and soon you will watch them get crashed down. When you are doing something wrong, you always feel it deep inside you and you cannot say you didn’t know. This applies to everyone, me, you and whoever is living on this small pale blue dot. Your actions in this finite time will very much determine a lot for this small blue dot. I therefore call upon earthling in your own capacity to question your actions whether done in the day light or in the dark and make sure they push us forward as humanity. God bless.

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