Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sagonia's Story of Triumph

Utilizing the skills we all have is useful in moments of adversity. They become our saviour

Probably most of you have heard Sagonia`s story; but if you haven`t, here is a summary of it for you. Sagonia`s story begins right after she lost her husband. She had never experienced anything like this before. All she had done throughout her life was only what was comfortable for her. She had been overwhelmed by the incidences that had happened the previous year. Her husband had suddenly passed away and left her with two children – boy and girl, in their tender ages. The family was an average one, struggling by the day and it was the husband who provided everything for the family. Sagonia mainly stayed at home to take care of the little ones. She had not gone very far in school and after senior high school had taken a short course in tailoring. Her small tailoring job had been cut short when she got pregnant with her first baby. She never went back to the job after giving birth and here she was, now with her second child, and a single mother! It was now 5 years since she had had any decent job. The passing away of her husband had made her realize that life was changing so fast. It was hardly two months. The children were growing and in a state of demand. Soon the older one would join school. No one was there to help; all the husband`s friends had now deserted the family.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

6 Ways to stay healthy under budget constraints

Without good health, it is useless to think of the future
It is common to find people attributing their poor health to certain aspects of economic disparities. It is true that the financial status of an individual will influence his/her health condition in one way or another. As much as your financial status will directly influence your quality of life, it is no restricting factor to a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. For starters let’s define what staying healthy is. It would encompass not only one`s ability to fend off disease by their strong immunity or medical attention but also avoiding catching such illnesses altogether. Staying healthy also extends beyond ones physical body, to their emotional aspects,

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

`We could be immortals`

If you really knew what you are capable of doing, what would you choose to do?

I will be honest with you. There is no day that has passed by, that I don’t think about what tomorrow holds for me. Whether I shall be around to see tomorrow or not! And despite all this feeling, I wake up every day and continue doing the same things I did yesterday. I continue to think that I shall live to see another day. In me, there is this hope, a hope that says that tomorrow will surely come. I actually don’t mind whether tomorrow comes or not, what bothers me most is what I have to show tomorrow. Today is passing, yesterday is gone and yet am worried about

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