Sunday, January 25, 2015

6 Ways to stay healthy under budget constraints

Without good health, it is useless to think of the future
It is common to find people attributing their poor health to certain aspects of economic disparities. It is true that the financial status of an individual will influence his/her health condition in one way or another. As much as your financial status will directly influence your quality of life, it is no restricting factor to a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. For starters let’s define what staying healthy is. It would encompass not only one`s ability to fend off disease by their strong immunity or medical attention but also avoiding catching such illnesses altogether. Staying healthy also extends beyond ones physical body, to their emotional aspects,
spiritual and psychological concerns. In a broader sense, staying healthy means maintaining a state of `feeling good` always and happy about your life. Therefore several aspects such as body health, psychological comfort, and others have to be worked on one by one, and not forgetting their interconnectedness. Most important of all these, is body health, since it easily affects other health parameters – though several people will argue that the reverse is also true, especially in regards to psychological health. It is thus important that all aspects of one`s well being are taken care of, as they affect one another. Below are proposed ways to boost your health without engaging too much money, effort, stress or even worry.
  1. Get enough sleep. Very easy, cheap and most of us love doing only this. In fact, this is something that can start working for you as soon as you start. Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every day. Check yourself first; see which sleep cycle gives you the best results to accomplish your day. Also, do most of your sleeping between 9pm and 7am for good results. If you have sleep disorders, you may have to seek medical attention.
  2. Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol. Smoking kills and this in fact is clearly written on most of the cigarette packets. It may not kill you on the first day, but will eventually attack your health. Besides, the financial savings that result from withdrawing are tremendous. Drinking on the other hand has both short and long term implications. Drunk driving is the leading cause of road accidents in most parts of the world and we all know that accidents, if they don’t cost you your life, they take something away from you. Also, like smoking, the financial benefits arising from not drinking are tremendous.
  3.  Exercise regularly. Yes, get that body of yours doing some physical exercises every day or regularly. You don’t have to run a marathon or visit the gym daily. You can within the convenience of your house you small stretches and a few brief exercises. Do not sit so long at your desk; neither should you sit in front of the television the whole day watching TV dramas. If you do, soon enough you won’t be able to move yourself easily (yeah it’s true). Exercise regularly and you won’t need to see a doctor in a long time.
  4. Eat a balanced diet. I shall stress this to the same extent as your elementary school teacher did. And let’s be honest here, a balanced diet is not composed of only the foods you like. Having a balanced diet shouldn’t come at a big cost. There are plenty of possible balanced meals that cost less than a few bucks. You just have to lower your preferences in the necessary direction. Make sure you get enough Proteins and Carbohydrates. Avoid junk foods and at least eat a decent meal once a week at your favourite place or one you can prepare by yourself. 
  5. Maintain a stable positive state of mind. Having a positive state of being is essential for enabling calm and easy progress of one`s general life. Though a positive state of mind is largely influenced by several other factors, it is necessary that one tries to reduce the impact of any situation on his general psychological well being. Without this, it is difficult to see life from a different and promising angle. One should not let what happens in his environment or to him affect him to extents such as those that lead to reduced productivity (read more here). Avoid negative situations and of course a degree of optimism is synonymous with positive feeling. It is thus pertinent that someone establishes connections with individuals who encourage him and are always supporting one another.
  6.  Visit a doctor periodicallyMaintaining good health may often times involve going for medical checkups to ascertain the condition of one’s health. Visits to the hospital probably once a year to check for one`s general wellbeing can help to boost their condition positively. If any sickness is identified, it can be treated at an earlier stage, and if not, one benefits from the comfort of feeling health. Find out the causes of certain illnesses and avoid them; stay clean and encourage those around you too. Follow doctors` recommendations upon visiting a health facility.

These and several others not listed here will help one achieve and live a healthy life without investing too much effort or money. DO NOT compromise your health for the promise of future savings; achieve a given level of saving that ensures that you have the minimum level of healthy living. Some people compromise their bodies in order to get money which they eventually spend to treat themselves. This is not logical; if ones job is physically constraining and likely to affect ones health, health should come first. This is very common in places where high rates of unemployment exist and people are left with no option but to strain as much as possible so as to live! What a paradox!

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